Καινοτόμες και πρωτοποριακές εξετάσεις του Εργαστηρίου Τοξικολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης για θεραπευτικά προγράμματα υγείας ιατρικού τουρισμού στη Κρήτη...
‘Education in Toxicology as the basis for ERT registration’
Preparation of Annex 2 ‘Contents and Learning Outcomes of ERT Courses’ of the ERT guidelines
January 14-16 2015, Basel Swiss
Professor Aristidis Tsatsakis, President of EUROTOX, presented his vision on ‘’Legal Harmonisation and Recognition of ERT specialty and expert specialisation in Europe and EC: A way to move forward for professional rights and legal recognition ‘’
As stated in recently president message...:
Short report from Dr. Rolf Schulte-Hermann ERT
"Update of problems and issues for linking long term low dose exposure to pesticides with health effects and diseases"
Honorary Professor of Federal Research Centre of Hygiene named after Erisman F.F.
Professor Tsatsakis is Director at the Toxicology Science and Research Centre in the Department of Forensic Sciences of the Medical School in the University of Crete and The University Hospital.